Impact Groups
Impact Groups are weekly get-togethers at different halls of residence at Southampton University. We hang out, play some games, chat about life, pray together, and study the Bible. It's a relaxed place to meet people and share in our faith journey. Come and join us!
Not living in halls? No problem! Lots of people attend their nearest Impact Group, so you can still get involved!
Find your Impact Group
Course and Interest Groups
There's also several subject/interest specific groups that meet regularly outside of our usual activities - check them out!

Christians in Sport
We are Christians in University of Southampton sports teams, passionate about living our lives for Jesus and telling others about Him. Check out the social media links for more info!

CMF Nurses and Midwives
Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF): Uniting and equipping Christian Nurses and Midwives to live and speak for Jesus Christ at Southampton University.

CMF Medics
We are a group of Christian medical students who meet for monthly talks about Christianity, life as a medic, and where they interact.

The mission of Christians in Allied Health (CiAH) is to support, inform, correct & encourage one another as believers that study/work within Allied health profession, while witnessing to & serving those beside us (course-mate, lecturer, patient, professional - whoever our neighbour may be).